Monday, April 30, 2012

Still They Ride...

3 days...
2 nights...
2 motels...
15 rest stops, small bladder...
33 hours of driving...
garmin recalculating...
final destination Longview, Washington...
unfurnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment at The Fairways... 
candle + paper towel roll = mini fire in living room...
need renter's insurance...
IKEA = furnished apartment...
So it begins...


  1. Love it! Sounds like a great adventure! Can't wait to hear more details and Skype soon! =)

  2. Best wishes on the continued adventure!

  3. Hi, I am a deposed Nigerian prince and my assets have been frozen. I see you have money to travel to Washington, USA. I would like you to wire me $10,000 US dollars so I can reclaim my throne and access my money again. I will reward your generosity with $1 million US dollars once I can access my bank accounts again. I wish you well on your journey.
